Categories: How-To

How to migrate your website to SmartHost

Easy steps to move your Hosting to SmartHost

The idea of moving your entire website to a new provider can seem overwhelming and daunting. We have made the process as simple and easy as possible. The entire process is explained below. As always, our support team is on hand to assist you if you need further information or have any issue with any of the following steps. 

  • Join SmartHost

The first step is to choose the hosting package that suits your needs. SmartHost offers numerous hosting packages to ensure there is a perfect package for you. You can view all of our plans here

  • FTP Backup

Once you have selected and purchased a hosting plan from us, you should have a hosting package with us and a hosting package with your old provider. Now you can get your website ready to transfer the files between the two. We recommend connecting to your old host’s FTP and downloading all your files. Once this is done, you can then connect to our FTP and upload all your files in the exact same folder and file structure so it remains the same on our system. 

  • Database Backup

Once your files are all uploaded to our server, the next step is to backup your database from your old host. You can do this by connecting via FTP again. Once your entire database is downloaded, you can restore this database on our servers via SSH or phpMyAdmin in the SmartHost Control Panel. 

  • DNS Change

Now that all of your files have been transferred to SmartHost servers, it is time to change your domain DNS settings. You can do this by logging into your client area and navigating to Domains > Manage DNS.

You can then enter the following DNS settings:

  • Wait and relax

At this stage, there is nothing left to do but relax. The DNS settings may take up to 48 hours to become fully functional. After this has become active, you can contact your old hosting provider and cancel your service with them. It is important to note that if you purchased your domain through your old hosting provider, do not cancel your domain registration with them.


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