Brotli Compression

What is Brotli Compression?

Brotli, a revolutionary compression algorithm developed by Google, is the successor to the widely used gzip. It’s a powerful tool that reduces the size of webpages and other web content, making it incredibly efficient in delivering content to your visitors. Brotli’s magic lies in its ability to identify repetitive patterns and compress the data into a smaller format. This compression wizardry results in significantly faster loading times, a more responsive online experience, and improved overall user satisfaction.

How Does Brotli Benefit Smarthost Customers?

The benefits of Brotli extend far beyond just faster loading times. Our customers can also enjoy:

  • Faster Loading Times: Brotli can reduce the size of webpages and other web content by up to 20% compared to Gzip compression, the current industry standard. This means that web pages that are Brotli compressed are transferred more quickly, resulting in faster loading times for users.

  • Support for Modern Web Formats: Brotli supports modern web formats like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are the core components of most websites. This means that it can be used to compress a wide range of web content.

  • Backward Compatibility: Brotli is compatible with older browsers, ensuring that most users can reap the benefits of its compression even if they are not using the latest browser versions.

  • Fast Decompression: Brotli is designed to be efficient in both compression and decompression, so websites can deliver content quickly even with Brotli enabled.

  • Reduced Data Consumption: Smaller files also mean less data is transferred, which is especially beneficial for users with limited data plans or those who rely on mobile devices for connectivity. This can save mobile users money on their data bills and help conserve data usage.

  • Enhanced Website Performance: Faster loading times translate into a smoother and more responsive user experience, making it more intuitive to navigate websites and engage with online content. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on their websites to drive traffic and conversions.

Is Brotli Supported by Browsers?

Rest assured, Brotli compression is widely supported by major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. This means that most internet users can reap the benefits of Brotli without making any changes to their browser settings.

How Can Smarthost Customers Access Brotli?

With Brotli enabled by default on all our shared web hosting plans, ensuring that our customers are automatically benefiting from its advantages. We take the hassle out of implementing Brotli , so you can focus on building and growing your online presence without worrying about technical details.

Brotli.Pro is a free tool that can test your website’s Brotli compatibility and provide you with detailed results.

Experience the Brotli Revolution with Smarthost

Smarthost is committed to providing our customers with the best possible web hosting experience. Brotli’s ability to enhance website performance, reduce data consumption, and conserve battery life makes it an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike.

For more information on Brotli , please visit the Wikipedia article here:

Frequently Asked Questions about Brotli from SmartHost

Brotli is a more efficient algorithm than Gzip, the current industry standard. It can reduce the size of webpages and other web content by up to 20%, which can lead to faster loading times, reduced data consumption, and improved battery life.

Yes, Brotli compression is supported by all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. This means that most users will automatically benefit from Brotli when they visit your website.

You do not need ot enable Brotli on Smarthost hosting plans as it is alread activated on all accounts by default.. You can rest assured that your website is already benefiting from the faster loading times and reduced data consumption that Brotli offers.

Brotli is a newer and more efficient algorithm than Gzip. It can reduce the size of webpages and other web content by up to 20%, which can lead to faster loading times, reduced data consumption, and improved battery life.

No, enabling Brotli will not make your website slower. In fact, it can actually make your website faster because the smaller file sizes will be transferred more quickly.

You can use a website speed testing tool to measure the loading times of your website before and after enabling Brotli . You can also see if the amount of data being transferred to your website has decreased.

No, enabling Brotli compression is a simple process that does not require any additional setup or configuration. All of our hosting plans already come with Brotli compression enabled, so you can start enjoying the benefits right away.

Our team can help

Have further questions, or need some advice about hosting solutions for you and your business? 

Our team are on hand to assist you and get your business online. Why not give us a call on (01) 901 9700 or send us an email at We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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