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WordPress vs Sitejet: Comparing the Best Platform for Your Website Needs in 2024

Key Takeaways

  • WordPress is a versatile, open-source CMS with extensive customisation possibilities through plugins and themes, but it can be more complex and require regular security updates.
  • Sitejet is designed for ease of use with a drag-and-drop builder, integrated project management, and customer relations tools, aiming for efficiency and reduced website project time.
  • The choice between WordPress and Sitejet should be based on the user’s technical expertise, website objectives, and considerations such as ease of use, scalability, security, and cost.
  • Understanding CMS: WordPress and Sitejet

Content management systems have revolutionised the digital landscape, simplifying the process of creating websites and managing them. They have become indispensable tools for businesses, with over 68 million websites utilising a CMS to create and deliver engaging content, leading to increased conversions and leads.

Among the myriad of choices, WordPress and Sitejet stand out, each with its own strengths and unique offerings.

What is a CMS?

A content management system (CMS) is a software application that allows users to:

  • Create, manage, modify, and publish content without the need to code from scratch or possess extensive coding knowledge
  • Simplify the process by providing a user-friendly interface
  • Streamline workflows and enable staff to easily manage website content.

Thanks to CMS, non-developers can now establish an online presence without technical expertise, and businesses can improve workflows and productivity across teams by using a customer portal.

Introducing WordPress

WordPress emerged in 2003 as an open-source CMS, offering a user-friendly interface that simplifies tasks like updating content or publishing new blog posts. What started as a simple blogging tool has now evolved into a versatile platform that can create various types of websites, from business sites to portfolios and e-commerce stores.

With its extensive plugin and theme directory, WordPress offers an endless array of design possibilities, catering to individuals, small businesses, and large organisations worldwide.

Introducing Sitejet

Sitejet, on the other hand, was born out of the sheer frustration experienced by website designers with other platforms. Since its inception in 2013, Sitejet has been providing users with a unique suite of tools to create and manage their site online more effectively. It offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop builder, integrated project management, and customer relations tools that reduce website project time by up to 70%.

Sitejet’s flexibility enables users to adapt their websites over time, incorporating additional functionalities such as forums or social networks as needed. Moreover, it offers a mobile-friendly website building experience, ensuring that websites look great and function well on any device. With the Sitejet dashboard, managing and updating your website becomes a seamless process.

Security is also a priority for Sitejet. It guarantees that websites remain online at a fair price, regardless of their size, from a single page to a site with thousands of pages. With Sitejet’s CMS system, users gain access to detailed analytics and reporting features, giving them actionable insights from their content and enabling real-time performance tracking.

  • Key Differences Between WordPress and Sitejet

While both WordPress and Sitejet are robust CMS platforms, they differ significantly in terms of:

  • Ease of use
  • Design flexibility
  • Functionality
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Cost

These differences can greatly influence the user experience and the ease with which users can manage their websites. Grasping these key differences plays a significant role in deciding the most suitable platform for your specific needs.

Ease of Use

In terms of ease of use, Sitejet excels due to its user-friendly drag-and-drop builder, integrated project management, and customer relations tools. These features enable a seamless process of creating and publishing websites, eliminating the need for extra tools.

Conversely, WordPress, noted for its user-friendly content management application, depends significantly on plugins and themes for customisation.

Design Flexibility

Through its comprehensive library of themes and plugins, WordPress offers a broad range of design options, enabling users to customise their websites as they wish. However, this can also lead to challenges, including custom code, such as:

  • Custom PHP coding
  • Managing compatibility between plugins
  • Site performance issues
  • Increased complexity

It’s important to be aware of these potential challenges and take steps to address them to ensure optimal website performance.

Contrarily, Sitejet adopts a more straightforward approach with pre built templates, which are readily customisable, saving design time and facilitating swift website launches and redesigns in just a few clicks.

Functionality and Scalability

When it comes to functionality and scalability, WordPress stands out with its large repository of plugins and themes, enhancing its capabilities and suitability for scaling.

Sitejet, on the other hand, focuses on integrated functionality and efficient project management. It includes a native multi-site system, simplifying the management of multiple websites, and supports DRY coding principles for easier scalability.


Security is an indispensable aspect of every website. WordPress necessitates constant management of security plugins and updates, whereas Sitejet’s managed platform takes care of a significant part of the security maintenance. Sitejet provides security features such as SSL certification and DDoS protection, boosting customer confidence for online payments.

WordPress, on the other hand, offers security features like malware detection, firewalls, and DDoS mitigation through its hosting services.


Cost considerations, including initial pricing plans and potential expenses for plugins, themes, additional hosting, and maintenance, are factors to consider when choosing between WordPress and Sitejet. While WordPress offers flexibility in cost and customisation through free themes and plugins, users might face additional costs for these features.

Sitejet, on the other hand, includes hosting within its pricing structure, catering to a variety of website sizes.

  • Choosing the Right Platform: Considerations for Different Users

The ultimate choice of platform rests upon the user’s web design expertise and the distinct objectives of their website. Different user groups, including:

  • Beginner web designer
  • Professional web designers
  • Small business owners
  • Bloggers and content creators

have different needs and considerations when it comes to choosing between WordPress and Sitejet.

Beginner Web Designers

Due to its user-friendly nature and abundant resources, beginners might find WordPress more attractive. The advantages of using WordPress include:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Abundant resources and plugins
  • Vast community and support
  • Thorough documentation

These factors can serve as an invaluable resource, providing you with all the tools for learning and problem-solving, including effective to-do lists.

Nonetheless, beginners favouring a more structured methodology in website design may lean towards Sitejet, an automatic website generator that provides a more simplified approach and in-built growth analytics for website optimisation.

Professional Web Designers

For professional web designers, the extensive library of themes and plugins that WordPress offers brings about significant design flexibility. Yet, when managing numerous client projects, Sitejet’s proficient team collaboration features and workflow automation might be more enticing.

Small Business Owners

Owing to its scalable nature and cost-effectiveness, small business owners might lean towards WordPress for their website needs, while also considering the integration of google ads for additional revenue and marketing opportunities. By using their own code, they can further customise their website to suit their specific requirements.

Conversely, Sitejet facilitates speedy website setup and unlimited visits, features that can be particularly advantageous for an expanding business.

Bloggers and Content Creators

Due to its robust content management abilities and SEO tools, bloggers and content creators may have a preference for WordPress. With its blog system and focus on expedient website creation and design efficiency, Sitejet may attract content creators prioritising workflow and design.

  • Pros and Cons of WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world, but like any platform, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you decide if WordPress is the right choice for your website project.

Pros of WordPress

  1. Open-Source Software: WordPress is free to use and modify, making it a cost-effective solution for creating websites.
  2. Extensive Customisation: With over 50,000 plugins and thousands of themes, WordPress provides unparalleled customisation options.
  3. Large Community: A vast community of developers and users means ample support, tutorials, and forums are available for help and advice.
  4. SEO-Friendly: WordPress has strong SEO capabilities, which can be further enhanced with SEO plugins, aiding in better search engine rankings.
  5. Flexibility: Suitable for all types of websites, from blogs to e-commerce, WordPress offers great flexibility in terms of design and functionality.
  6. User-Friendly Interface: The platform has an intuitive dashboard that’s easy to navigate, making content management accessible for non-technical users.

Cons of WordPress

  1. Frequent Updates: WordPress, along with its themes and plugins, requires regular updates for security and functionality, which can be time-consuming.
  2. Performance Issues: Without proper maintenance, WordPress sites can become slow due to bloated code or too many plugins.
  3. Security Vulnerabilities: Being the most popular CMS also makes WordPress a common target for hackers, so constant vigilance and security measures are necessary.
  4. Learning Curve: While WordPress is user-friendly, mastering its full potential can be challenging for beginners, especially when dealing with customisations or troubleshooting issues.
  5. Plugin Compatibility: With so many plugins available, conflicts between them can occur, which may affect the website’s performance and require technical troubleshooting.
  6. Customisation Requires Technical Knowledge: To fully customise a WordPress site, knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is often necessary, which can be a barrier for some users.
  • Pros and Cons of Sitejet

Like any platform, Sitejet comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these will help you determine if Sitejet fits the goals and workflow of your website project.

Pros of Sitejet

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Sitejet provides a clean and intuitive drag-and-drop builder, making website creation accessible to users of all skill levels.
  2. Integrated Project Management: With built-in tools for project management and customer relations, Sitejet streamlines the website design process.
  3. Efficiency: Designed to reduce website project time significantly, Sitejet is ideal for quickly launching and managing websites.
  4. Mobile Responsiveness: Ensures that websites are automatically optimised for mobile devices, providing a seamless experience for users on any device.
  5. All-in-One Solution: Combines hosting, design, and management tools in one platform, simplifying the process and reducing the need for external resources.

Cons of Sitejet

  1. Less Customisation: While Sitejet has many templates and design options, it offers less customisation compared to platforms with extensive plugin ecosystems like WordPress.
  2. Learning Curve: Despite its ease of use, new users may still face a learning curve as they familiarise themselves with the platform’s specific tools and features.
  3. Limited Community Support: Being a newer and less widespread platform, Sitejet does not have as large a community as WordPress, which may limit access to free support and resources.
  4. Pricing: While Sitejet includes hosting in its pricing, it may be more expensive upfront compared to the free entry point of WordPress.
  5. Third-Party Integrations: There may be limitations when it comes to integrating third-party applications and services that are not natively supported by Sitejet.
  6. Scalability: While Sitejet is suitable for a range of website sizes, extremely large or complex websites may require more customisation than what Sitejet can offer natively.
  • Smarthost: Supporting Both WordPress and Sitejet

The task of choosing between WordPress and Sitejet need not be intimidating, particularly when hosting providers such as Smarthost offer support for both platforms. Smarthost caters to a diverse range of website building and hosting needs, offering both WordPress and SiteJet to its customers.

Smarthost’s WordPress Support

Smarthost’s WordPress hosting offers the following features:

  • Built on enterprise hardware with SSD drives for fast website loading speeds
  • One-click staging for easy testing and development
  • Automated backups to protect your site’s data
  • Performance optimisations to ensure optimal site operation

Smarthost’s Sitejet Support

Smarthost integrates Sitejet directly into their cPanel, simplifying the user experience for shared hosting plans. It provides users with a comprehensive set of Sitejet web design tools, including a wide selection of customisable templates.

  • Alternative Website Building Options

Despite the robustness of both WordPress and Sitejet, it’s worth considering other website builders like Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly. Each of these platforms provides distinctive features and design experiences for users.

Whether you’re in search of a drag-and-drop editor similar to Wix, a premium design experience like Squarespace, or a user-friendly platform such as Weebly, your choice of website builder should ultimately align with your unique needs and preferences.


Choosing the right platform for your website needs is a pivotal decision. Both WordPress and Sitejet present compelling options, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The choice ultimately boils down to your specific needs, whether you’re a beginner or a professional web designer, a small business owner, or a blogger and content creator. The key is to understand your requirements, assess the offerings of each platform, and make an informed decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

WordPress is often considered the better option for SEO because of its large number of SEO plugins, cleaner code structure, and user-friendly and SEO-friendly nature.

A content management system (CMS) is a software application that allows users to create and manage websites without coding expertise, offering a user-friendly platform for content creation and publication.

WordPress and Sitejet differ in terms of ease of use, design flexibility, functionality, scalability, security, and cost. WordPress is known for its extensive plugin and theme directory, while Sitejet offers a more streamlined, integrated approach. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Sitejet is easier to use compared to WordPress due to its user-friendly drag-and-drop builder, integrated project management, and customer relations tools. WordPress, although known for its user-friendly content management, relies heavily on plugins and themes for customisation.

You can consider Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly as alternative website building options, which offer unique features and design experiences for users. Date artifacts are removed.


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