Password Strength and Passwords Tips

Shockingly, 63% of all data breaches are caused by weak, default, or stolen passwords. If that statistic made you worried, it’s time you implemented the tips in this blog post to ensure you are practicing good password management. 

Below are some basic tips we recommend implementing to avoid your sensitive information being breached.

1: Never use the same password!

We know you have heard this one before, but there is a reason people say it. If your password is retrieved from one site, the first thing a hacker will do is use that exact password on multiple sites. If you have the same password for every site, you can see how that can be a big issue. Using a different password for every site limits the hacker’s ability to obtain any other data. 

How do I keep track of my passwords if they are all different?” 

Don’t worry, we have you covered in the next step. 

2: Use a password manager

Password managers are an easy way to keep track of your passwords. There are hundreds on the market and range from free to paid.  

Getting a password manager that syncs between your devices, and auto-fills your password on websites, makes it incredibly easy to use and implement into your daily routine. Adding a password manager app to your phone/laptop will significantly increase your cyber protection online. It will allow you to make new passwords for every website and give you peace of mind.

3: Randomly generate passwords

Having a strong password is extremely important. Some websites will even encourage you to make your password stronger if it believes your current password will put your account at risk. 

You can easily find password generators online that will randomly generate a strong password for you. Using a password generator, and password manager together will allow you to keep your accounts secure online. 

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