
Transfer a WordPress Website to SmartHost: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • How to Migrate Your WordPress Site Manually

Step 1: Choose Your Hosting Package

First, select the right web hosting package that suits your needs. SmartHost offers a range of plans tailored for various requirements. Visit the SmartHost website, click on the hosting section, and review the different options. Consider aspects like storage, bandwidth, and the number of domains supported. Once you find a plan that aligns with your needs, click the ‘Select’ button and proceed to set up your account.

Step 2: Access the Customer Portal

After choosing your plan, you’ll need to create or log into your SmartHost customer portal. This portal is a user-friendly interface where you can manage all aspects of your hosting account. Here, you can monitor your server resources, manage domains, and access support. If you’re a new user, sign up and enter the necessary details to create your account. Here you can create a a new FTP account, and create a new MySQL Database, in preparation for receiving your WordPress files and data.

Step 3: Prepare Your WordPress Site

Before initiating the transfer, ensure your WordPress site is ready. Log into your current WordPress website and go to the ‘Plugins’ section. Deactivate any plugins that might interfere with the transfer. Next, access your site’s control panel and create a backup of your website files and database. This step is crucial to prevent any data loss during the transfer.

Step 4: Download Your Site Files and Database

Now, it’s time to download your site’s data. Connect to your existing hosting provider’s server using an FTP client. Navigate to the root folder of your WordPress site and download all files to your computer. Similarly, access your database management system, typically through phpMyAdmin, and export your WordPress database.

Step 5: Upload Files to SmartHost Server

With your files and database downloaded, log into your SmartHost customer portal. Here, you can access the server allocated to your hosting package. Using an FTP client, connect to the SmartHost server and upload the previously downloaded WordPress files to the appropriate directory, usually the ‘public_html’ folder.

Step 6: Create and Import Database

Next, create a new database on SmartHost. In your customer portal, find the database section and click on ‘Create Database.’ Follow the prompts to set up a new database for your site. Once created, import your downloaded database using the database management tool in the portal.

Step 7: Update Configuration and Domain

After uploading your files and database, you need to update the WordPress configuration. Open the ‘wp-config.php’ file and modify the database details to match the new database you created on SmartHost. If your domain name is changing, update the WordPress and site URL in the database.

If your domain is registered with another provider, update the DNS settings to point to SmartHost’s servers. If you’re transferring your domain to SmartHost, you can managethe DNS name servers from the Domains option located within your customer portal.

Step 8: Final Checks and Launch

Before going live, perform a thorough check of your WordPress site on SmartHost. Ensure all pages load correctly, and all functionalities are working. If you encounter any issues, the SmartHost support team is ready to assist. Once satisfied, update your domain’s DNS records (if not done already), and your site will start resolving from the SmartHost servers.

  • Steps to Transfer Your WordPress Website Using a Plugin

Transferring your WordPress site can be a straightforward process with the use of effective plugins. Here, we outline the steps using three top-ranking plugins, including Duplicator Pro, which are renowned for their reliability and ease of use.

1. Duplicator Pro

Duplicator Pro is a highly regarded plugin known for its robust features and user-friendly interface.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Install the Plugin: First, install Duplicator Pro on your existing WordPress site.
  2. Create a Package: In the Duplicator Pro dashboard, create a new package, which includes all your site files and data.
  3. Download the Package: Once the package is built, download the archive and installer files to your computer.
  4. Upload to New Host: Upload these files to the root directory of your new hosting account, typically using FTP.
  5. Run the Installer: Navigate to the installer script in your web browser (e.g., and follow the steps to extract your site and database.
  6. Test Your Site: Ensure everything is functioning correctly on your new host.

2. All-in-One WP Migration

All-in-One WP Migration is another popular choice, known for its simplicity and effectiveness.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Install the Plugin: Add All-in-One WP Migration to your WordPress installation.
  2. Export Your Site: Use the plugin to export your entire WordPress site, including the database, media files, plugins, and themes.
  3. Download the Export File: Save the exported file to your computer.
  4. Install WordPress on New Host: Ensure WordPress is installed on your new hosting server.
  5. Import the Site: Install All-in-One WP Migration on the new WordPress site and use it to import the file you downloaded.
  6. Verify the Transfer: Check your website on the new host to ensure everything has transferred correctly.

3. WP Migrate DB

WP Migrate DB is particularly effective for migrating databases, making it a great option for those with database-heavy sites.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Install WP Migrate DB: Add this plugin to your WordPress site.
  2. Export Database: Configure the plugin to export your WordPress database, with options to replace URLs and file paths.
  3. Download the Database: Save the exported database file.
  4. Create a New Database on your SmartHost account: Set up a new database on your new hosting server.
  5. Import Database: Use a database management tool like phpMyAdmin to import your saved database file into the new database.
  6. Transfer WordPress Files: Separately, transfer your WordPress files to the new host using FTP.
  7. Update wp-config.php: Adjust the ‘wp-config.php’ file on your new host to connect to the newly imported database.
  8. Test Your Website: Finally, ensure that your site is functioning as expected on the new server.

Each of these plugins offers a unique set of features to cater to different migration needs. Duplicator Pro stands out for its comprehensive package creation, All-in-One WP Migration excels in ease of use, and WP Migrate DB is ideal for database-focused migrations.


Transferring a WordPress site to SmartHost is a straightforward process. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth transition with minimal downtime. Remember, the SmartHost team is always available to assist you at any stage of the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Transferring a WordPress Website to SmartHost

Begin by selecting a hosting package that suits your needs from SmartHost’s offerings. Then, log into the SmartHost customer portal to create or access your account. This portal is where you’ll manage the transfer process.

Log into your WordPress site, deactivate any plugins that could interfere with the transfer, and back up your website files and database to prevent data loss.

Connect to your current hosting provider’s server using an FTP client or SSH, navigate to your WordPress site’s root folder, and download all files. For the database, use a database management tool like phpMyAdmin to export it.

After downloading your site files and database, log into your SmartHost customer portal. Connect to the SmartHost server using an FTP client or SSH and upload the files to the ‘public_html’ folder. Then, create and import your database in the portal.

Modify the ‘wp-config.php’ file with the new database details. If changing domains, update the WordPress and site URL in the database. For the domain, manage DNS settings or initiate a domain transfer via the SmartHost customer portal.

Yes, SmartHost’s support team is available to assist you at any stage of the transfer process. They can provide guidance, troubleshoot issues, and ensure a smooth transition. If you prefer, SmartHost can look after the entire process for you. A small fee may apply for this service.

Conduct a thorough check of your site on the SmartHost server. Test all pages and functionalities. If there are any issues, contact SmartHost’s support team for assistance.

The transfer process is designed to minimize downtime. However, some brief downtime may occur when updating DNS records. Planning and executing the transfer carefully can reduce this to a minimum.


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