Categories: Tech Tips

Top Tips to Secure WordPress: Essential Strategies for Website Safety

Key Takeaways

  • WordPress security is vital for building user trust, improving user experience, and boosting search engine rankings, necessitating user vigilance and adherence to best practices for maintaining the platform’s robust features and protection against vulnerabilities.
  • Regular updates to the WordPress core, themes, and plugins are essential for security and stability, along with adopting strong login credentials, two-factor authentication, and prudent management of user permissions based on the ‘principle of least privileges’.
  • Implementing SSL certificates, utilizing trusted security plugins, ensuring regular site backups, choosing secure hosting solutions, protecting against common threats such as brute force attacks and malware, and engaging in ongoing monitoring and maintenance are key strategic measures to safeguard a WordPress site.
  • The Importance of WordPress Security

The widespread use of WordPress by professionals and businesses emphasizes the crucial need for WordPress site security. Security goes beyond just protecting your online property or financial identity; it also builds visitor trust and enhances user experiences. After all, users are more likely to engage with a secure site.

Moreover, securing your WordPress site can significantly boost your search engine rankings. Google and other search engines prioritize websites that demonstrate robust security measures. Hence, security serves not only as a protective measure but also as a strategic move for improved visibility and reach.

However, despite WordPress’s popularity and robust features, it remains secure only when protected against vulnerabilities through user vigilance and security measures. Many WordPress sites fall prey to hacking due to inadequate security measures from the site owners, leaving websites open to potential attackers. employs a dedicated security team to address potential security risks and protect user data. It also motivates users to contribute to their sites’ security by adopting best practices and using the available security features. As a WordPress website owner, you play a critical role in fortifying your site against potential threats.

  • Keeping Your WordPress Site Updated

Keeping your WordPress site updated is like providing it with a shield against potential security threats. Regular updates are essential to maintain the security and stability of your WordPress site, providing protection against vulnerabilities and ensuring optimal performance.

Update WordPress Core

The WordPress core software is the backbone of your site. Updating it regularly is significant in maintaining website security, as the core team regularly fixes vulnerabilities. WordPress core updates are classified into major and minor versions. Major updates typically introduce significant changes and are released once or twice yearly, while minor updates focus on bug fixes, minor improvements, and are more frequent.

Updating the WordPress core can be done manually via the dashboard or automatically. To manually update, go to Dashboard > Updates and click ‘Update Now’. For automatic updates, you can enable them through the dashboard or by configuring the wp-config.php file.

Update Themes and Plugins

Just like the core software, keeping your themes and plugins updated is paramount for preventing potential risks such as security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. Regular updates ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress core, while introducing new features and performance improvements that enhance site speed and user experience.

You can apply updates through the WordPress admin dashboard; some plugins offer automatic updates while others necessitate manual intervention. It’s always recommended to back up your site before making any updates. Choosing themes and plugins that are often updated, follow good coding standards, and are free of bugs ensures the long-term security and stability of your site.

  • Strengthening Login and User Permissions

Your WordPress site’s login gateway is a vital checkpoint that requires strong security measures. Strong passwords, unique usernames, and two-factor authentication are your sentinels at this gateway, ensuring enhanced login security.

Use Strong Passwords

In the realm of cybersecurity, a strong password is your first line of defense. For your WordPress accounts, passwords should include a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters to enhance security. Avoid easily guessable information such as personal details or common words in your WordPress passwords.

You can use password managers or create passphrases to generate and securely store robust, secure passwords. Regularly updating passwords and ensuring they are unique for each online account, including WordPress, is crucial for digital security.

Here are some tips for creating and managing secure passwords:

  • Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Avoid using common words or phrases.
  • Make your passwords at least 12 characters long.
  • Don’t reuse passwords across different sites.
  • Avoid insecure storage like writing them down.

By following these guidelines, you can enhance the security of your online accounts.

Regularly changing the WordPress password, ideally every four months, can enhance security against brute force attacks.

Limit User Permissions

User permissions significantly contribute to the security of a WordPress site. WordPress user roles include:

  • Administrator
  • Editor
  • Author
  • Contributor
  • Subscriber

Each role has varying levels of access and capabilities. Limiting user permissions to the required levels for their role, based on the ‘principle of least privileges,’ enhances security by reducing potential vectors for misuse or compromise.

You can create custom user roles with tailored capabilities using code and the add_role() function. However, it’s important to test these roles thoroughly before distributing them to ensure proper restrictions.

Best practices for managing user roles include:

  • Manually creating user accounts
  • Limiting the number of users with higher-level roles
  • Using the WordPress built-in user role management system or role management plugins for specific needs.
  • Implement SSL Certificates

In the digital world, data is currency, and its protection is paramount. SSL certificates are vital for encrypting data transferred between a visitor’s browser and a WordPress site, protecting against unauthorized data visibility or alteration. SSL certificates are imperative for securely transmitting information, as well as increasing a WordPress site’s visibility and search engine rankings.

SSL certificates can be obtained from certificate authorities like GoDaddy or for free from Let’s Encrypt, and installed on a WordPress site manually or through plugins like Really Simple SSL. provides free SSL certificates through Let’s Encrypt for all domains, featuring automatic encryption, renewal, and strict transport security via HSTS headers.

Monitoring SSL certificate expiry dates is critical; regular checks and renewals are necessary to adhere to security best practices and respond to Google’s preference for certificates with 90-day validity periods. Common SSL installation issues can be addressed by troubleshooting discrepancies in certificate details, updating or reissuing certificates, and ensuring correct browser and server configurations.

Hosting providers and certificate authorities are encouraged to offer free SSL certificates, particularly for WordPress sites handling sensitive information or payments.

  • Utilizing Reputable WordPress Security Plugins

Securing your WordPress site resembles constructing a digital fortress, with security plugins forming the building blocks of this fortress. Installing reputable security plugins can enhance website security. Some popular security plugins include:

  • MalCare: offers firewall protection, malware scanning, and bot protection
  • iThemes Security and WP Cerber: include two-factor authentication and limited login attempts
  • Wordfence: provides a security issue scanner and notifications
  • Sucuri: recognized for DNS-level firewall and attack prevention

These plugins can help protect your site from various security threats.

There are many reputable security plugins for WordPress, with Wordfence and Sucuri being some of the most popular ones. These WordPress security plugin options have the ability to block malicious IP addresses and automatically prevent brute force attacks before they impact your site.

However, it’s not just about installing a security plugin; it’s about choosing the right one. The best WordPress security plugins are those that cater to your specific needs, offer regular updates, and provide robust customer support. They serve as an additional layer of security, working alongside your other security measures to protect your WordPress site.

  • Regular Backups: Your Safety Net

Given the unpredictability of the internet, regular backups serve as your safety net. They are crucial against data loss, allowing for successful recovery in case of unforeseen events such as website crashes or hacking incidents. An adequate backup strategy includes adhering to the 3-2-1 backup rule and ensuring offsite storage for added security and diversification.

Backups should be scheduled during off-peak hours, with frequency adjusted based on the rate of website changes, ranging from weekly to real-time incremental backups. Backup files must be password-secured and stored safely, with older versions retained for potential rollback needs. Pre-update backups of both WordPress files and non-WordPress files, such as server configurations, and an established restore plan, are essential for quick recovery.

Different types of WordPress sites require distinct backup solutions. For instance, e-commerce sites benefit from real-time backups, while static sites might need monthly backups, considering their content update frequency. Regardless of the type of your site, regular backups are an essential component of your WordPress site security.

  • Secure Web Hosting Solutions

The cornerstone of a secure WordPress site is its hosting. A secure web hosting provider should offer robust security features such as a web application firewall, two-factor authorisation, DDoS protection, and active server network monitoring to prevent hacking incidents. Efficient hosting services should ensure optimal website performance with fast page load times and provide scalability options to accommodate growing traffic and server demands.

Exceptional customer service is vital for a hosting service. When choosing a hosting provider, consider factors like:

  • Availability of experts for immediate assistance and guidance on WordPress optimization and security
  • Reliability and guaranteed uptime
  • Cost-effectiveness without hidden fees
  • Positive customer reviews
  • WordPress plugin and theme compatibility
  • Proactive security updates and monitoring

SmartHost provides:

  • Secure, reliable web hosting designed to protect WordPress sites
  • Peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your core business activities
  • Optimal website performance

By entrusting your hosting to SmartHost, you can ensure that your website remains secure and performs at its best.

  • Protecting Your Site from Common Threats

The internet is a complex maze teeming with potential threats to your WordPress site. Common threats include:

  • Hacking
  • Malware
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks
  • The risk of being blacklisted by Google

In this section, we will delve into some common threats and how to guard against them.

Guard Against Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks are a common threat to WordPress sites, with Wordfence blocking 18.5 billion password attack requests on WordPress websites. Brute force attacks involve hackers trying to guess your login credentials through repeated attempts.

To protect your site, it is recommended to:

  • Limit login attempts
  • Use strong and unique passwords
  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Keep your WordPress installation and plugins up to date
  • Regularly backup your site

By following these security measures, you can add an extra layer of protection to your WordPress site and make it harder for attackers to gain access.

Using secure WP-Admin login credentials is crucial for preventing brute force attacks and ensuring the overall security of a WordPress site. Enhancing site security by restricting access to authenticated URLs and limiting the WordPress login page access to authorized IPs can thwart unauthorized entries.

Defend Against Malware

Malware is another common threat that can wreak havoc on your WordPress site. Regular malware scanning and cleanup services are essential for protecting your WordPress site from infections. To remove malware from a compromised WordPress site, website owners should follow a guide on identifying and cleaning up malware.

After a security incident, it’s crucial to re-install themes and plugins from a safe source or restore from a recent backup, with security analysts available to assist. Disabling PHP execution in the /wp-content/uploads/ folder is a proactive security measure to prevent hackers from uploading malicious scripts.

  • Advanced Security Measures

Apart from the basic security measures, there are advanced strategies to further strengthen the security of your WordPress site. These include:

  • Securing important WordPress files
  • Disabling PHP execution in specific directories
  • Changing the default WordPress database prefix
  • Implementing two-factor authentication
  • Using a security plugin to monitor and protect your site

By implementing these advanced security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of your WordPress site being compromised.

Securing important WordPress files like functions.php and php.ini can be achieved by adding specific directives to the .htaccess file to deny access. Similarly, to prevent PHP scripts from being maliciously executed, disable PHP execution in specific WordPress directories by creating a .htaccess php file with appropriate directives.

The wp-config.php file contains sensitive information and must be protected. This can be achieved by specifying access denial commands in the .htaccess file. You can also restrict access to the WordPress admin panel and login page by using .htaccess rules to only allow connections from specific IP addresses.

Finally, changing the default WordPress database prefix ‘wp_’ to something unique is crucial to fortify the database against SQL injection attacks. Use a plugin to safely change the database prefix in a live WordPress site, reducing the risk of breaking the site due to incorrect manual changes.

  • Monitoring and Maintenance

To guarantee the continuous safety of your WordPress site, you need to conduct regular security testing, monitoring, and maintenance. Regular security testing combined with a bug bounty program are critical for identifying and fixing potential vulnerabilities on WordPress platforms. Daily malware scanning and cleanup services are essential for protecting a WordPress site from infections.

Routine check-ups for WordPress security should be conducted at least once a month to ensure the site’s safety. Utilizing a monitoring system alerts website owners of any suspicious activities and potential breaches. Uptime and performance monitoring are essential for WordPress maintenance and can be automated through services like WP Umbrella.

Monitoring PHP error logs is crucial to promptly identify and resolve issues affecting website uptime and performance. A combination of monitoring tools such as WP Umbrella, for uptime and security, and other platforms for analytics and SEO can provide a comprehensive monitoring strategy.

Delegating website security to experts like SmartHost for managing WordPress security allows professionals to concentrate on their core business functions while ensuring their website remains secure.


Securing your WordPress site is an ongoing and multi-faceted task. It requires regular updates, strong login credentials, SSL certificates, reputable security plugins, regular backups, secure web hosting solutions, and protection against common threats. Advanced security measures and regular monitoring and maintenance further fortify your site against potential vulnerabilities.

Secure your digital fortress now! Remember, WordPress security is not a one-time task but a continuous process. Keep your site updated, your passwords strong, and your plugins trusted. Backup regularly, choose a secure hosting solution, and protect against common threats. Implement advanced security measures and stay vigilant with regular monitoring and maintenance. And when it comes to secure web hosting solutions, consider SmartHost for their specialized WordPress support.

Frequently Asked Questions

To make your WordPress site more secure, follow these steps: regularly audit plugins and themes, limit access to the site, monitor and detect potential threats, harden the site, protect it with a firewall, and implement SSL and HTTPS. Also, secure login procedures, use secure hosting, update WordPress and PHP versions, install security plugins and themes, enable SSL/HTTPS, and use a firewall (Date not included).

The best security option for WordPress is Defender, offering features like malware scanning, two-factor authentication, and brute force protection. It effectively enhances the security of your website.

WordPress is not entirely secure, but you can enhance its security by taking precautions such as installing security plugins and regularly updating the software to mitigate common attacks. Additionally, maintaining regular backups of your website’s data can provide added protection.

WordPress security is crucial because of its widespread use and potential vulnerabilities, as well as the need to protect user data and maintain trust. Secure websites can also enhance search rankings.

Keeping your WordPress site updated is crucial for security and performance. You can do this by regularly updating the WordPress core, themes, and plugins manually or automatically.


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