CentOS 7 End Of Life: How to Upgrade to a New Operating System

9 min read|Published On: August 15, 2024|

Key Takeaways

  • Upgrading from CentOS 7 is essential due to the end of life, which leaves systems vulnerable to security risks without official updates.
  • Using tools like Convert2RHEL and considering options like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, AlmaLinux, or Rocky Linux can facilitate a smooth migration process.
  • Post-migration security practices, including regular updates and monitoring, are critical to maintaining system integrity and preventing vulnerabilities.
  • Understanding CentOS End of Life (EOL)

CentOS 7’s end of life means users will no longer receive official updates, including security patches, making upgrading crucial for system safety. Not upgrading exposes systems to vulnerabilities due to the lack of security updates. Continuing to use an EOL operating system results in systems becoming less stable, less secure, and lacking features.

Organisations must address this by migrating to a new operating system. Red Hat offers several solutions, such as the Third Party Linux Migration service, which provides a subscription and tools for converting CentOS Linux 7 instances to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

SUSE Liberty Linux offers a no-migration solution that allows continued support for CentOS 7, providing an alternative for those who prefer not to migrate immediately.

Cautiously planning the migration route and leveraging tools like Convert2RHEL can facilitate the transition from CentOS to your preferred operating system. A migration assessment tool will also make the transition smoother and more efficient.

  • Assessing Your Current Environment

Before starting the migration process, assess your current environment. Organisations must prepare for CentOS’s EOL to avoid security risks. A comprehensive inventory of all CentOS systems is the first step in effective migration planning.

Assess compatibility and dependencies before migrating to a new Linux distribution. Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential challenges, including compatibility and downtime issues. A well-defined roadmap that includes system inventory, stakeholder prioritisation, and risk assessment ensures a smooth transition.

  • Choosing a New Operating System

Organisations using CentOS 7 must consider migration options like converting to Red Hat Enterprise Linux to ensure continued support and features. Migration to a supported operating system, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux or others, is essential for business continuity and security.

AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux are two popular choices, both designed to be stable and fully compatible with the Linux operating system and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. AlmaLinux includes the CIS Benchmark for security configurations, while Rocky Linux utilises the Network Time Security protocol. Both operating systems provide regular updates typically within one business day of upstream releases and offer a support lifecycle of 10 years.

When choosing a new operating system, consider your specific needs and the features of each option. Tools like Convert2RHEL can facilitate a seamless transition from CentOS 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

  • Preparing for the Upgrade Process

Preparation is crucial for a successful upgrade. Create snapshots for the system disk before replacing the operating system. Ensure outdated packages are updated using the yum command before initiating the upgrade. Updating all software before migration prevents issues and ensures the server is up-to-date.

Have all credentials and DNS information ready for the migration team, including customised applications and cron jobs. DNS records may need to be updated during migration.

Preparing your server and business for migration will lead to a smoother upgrade process.

  • Using WHM to Elevate to AlmaLinux 8

Upgrading to AlmaLinux 8 using WHM is straightforward. Access the server’s command line as the ‘root’ user using SSH or the Terminal in WHM. The command ‘Elevate Almalinux 8’ is used multiple times during the upgrade process, which can take around 90 minutes and may require several reboots.

The “Elevate to AlmaLinux 8” option in WHM simplifies the upgrade process, ensuring a smooth transition to a supported and secure operating system. Customers should focus on this option to benefit from continued support and security updates.

A male programmer works on finding your IP address using multiple computer screens filled with code in a modern office setting.
  • Manual Migration to a New OS

or those preferring manual migration, planning and testing the process in a controlled environment can help ensure a smooth transition. Convert2RHEL can facilitate migration from CentOS to Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a streamlined process.

There are various methods to migrate operating systems and workloads from CentOS, depending on the selected alternatives and business requirements. Guidance for moving cPanel accounts during migration can be found in the official cPanel documentation.

Backing Up Your Data

Creating a thorough backup of critical data, including configurations and databases, is crucial before beginning the upgrade. To mitigate potential data loss, back up the accounts before upgrading to AlmaLinux 8.

A strong backup strategy ensures data recovery in case of a security incident. Regularly updating backup methods to accommodate changes in data structure or storage needs will maintain business continuity.

Installing the New OS

Collect application and software information from the existing CentOS instance before installing the new operating system. Follow the installation instructions for the chosen Linux distribution to ensure all necessary components are correctly installed.

This step is crucial for receiving software updates and accessing new features provided by the newer operating system.

Restoring Data and Configurations

After installing the new OS, synchronise application data to the replacement instance and verify proper operation. Redeploy business-related runtime environments to ensure uninterrupted workflows and services.

These steps are critical to maintaining business continuity and ensuring that the migration process is successful.

  • Post-Upgrade Tasks

Post-upgrade tasks are essential to ensure system integrity and performance. Verifying system integrity after an upgrade ensures all components function as expected. Application data synchronisation must be verified before launching services on the new operating system.

Testing applications post-upgrade confirms their correct operation and compatibility with the new system. Applying security patches soon after an upgrade minimises vulnerabilities and protects the system from potential exploits. Establishing post-migration monitoring procedures is crucial for managing the new Linux environment.

  • Smarthost’s Professional Assistance

Smarthost offers professional assistance for a smooth upgrade process. Once onboarding is completed, Smarthost manages the site according to the selected care plan, including updates and security monitoring. However, Smarthost may only manage sites hosted on their servers to ensure reliability and performance.

As an expert hosting provider in Ireland and a certified cPanel partner, Smarthost has vast experience in managing busy WordPress websites and leveraging Amazon AWS for e-commerce sites. Customers can request a quotation for Smarthost to perform the upgrade on their behalf.

  • Maintaining Business Continuity During Migration

Maintaining business continuity during migration is paramount. Creating a disaster recovery plan safeguards against potential data loss during the migration process. Smarthost provides a complimentary migration service for sites that are up-to-date and easily migratable.

The migration process includes transitioning to Smarthost’s Amazon AWS-powered servers and updating DNS settings. Incremental data migration techniques help keep critical systems operational, allowing for real-time testing and validation during the transition.

  • Security Best Practices Post-Migration

Security is a continuous effort, especially post-migration. Regularly applying security updates after migrating from CentOS is crucial to prevent vulnerabilities. Monitoring security advisories helps stay informed about new vulnerabilities or patches relevant to the system.

Implementing monitoring tools can detect unusual activities and potential security breaches. Periodic security audits assess the effectiveness of post-migration security measures and ensure that your systems remain secure.

Person holding a smartphone with security headers on the login screen, over a laptop keyboard and a mouse in the background.


Upgrading from CentOS 7 is not just a technical necessity but a strategic move towards better security and stability. By carefully assessing your current environment, choosing the right new operating system, and following a well-planned migration process, you can ensure a smooth transition.

Remember, post-migration tasks and ongoing security best practices are crucial for maintaining the integrity of your new system. Taking these steps will not only protect your data but also keep your business running efficiently and securely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Upgrading from CentOS 7 is essential because it has reached its end of life and no longer receives critical updates or security patches, leaving your system exposed to vulnerabilities and potential instability. Ensuring your system remains secure and stable requires migration to a supported version.

The best alternatives to CentOS 7 are Red Hat Enterprise Linux, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux, as they provide robust support and maintain compatibility with existing configurations. These options ensure a seamless transition for users familiar with CentOS.

To ensure a smooth migration process, assess your current environment, back up your data, and carefully select the appropriate new operating system. Utilising tools such as Convert2RHEL and seeking professional assistance can facilitate a seamless transition.

If you encounter issues during the migration, ensure you have a contingency plan in place and seek professional support for troubleshooting. Engaging services like Smarthost can provide timely assistance and resolution to any problems.

To maintain security after migrating to a new OS, regularly apply security updates, monitor for advisories, utilise monitoring tools, and conduct periodic security audits. These practices will help ensure your system remains secure.

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