What is a domain name

A domain name is essentially the address of a website on the internet. It is what users type into the address bar of their web browser to find a specific website. For example, in “www.smarthost.ie,” “smarthost.ie” is the domain name. It is a unique identifier that represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource, such as a personal computer used to access the internet, a server hosting a website, or the website itself.

To set up a domain name, you would typically:

  1. Choose a unique name that reflects your website’s purpose.
  2. Check the availability of this name through a domain registrar.
  3. Register the domain, usually involving a fee, to claim it as your own for a specified period.

For more detailed information on domain names, including how to choose and register one, you can refer to Smarthost’s knowledgebase or contact our support team for personalised assistance.

2023-11-24T17:04:39+00:00November 24, 2023|

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