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Understanding SmartHost’s JetBackup Process and Storage with Backblaze


SmartHost employs JetBackup, a leading backup management solution, for ensuring the safety and availability of your data. This article details the process and destination of your backups, focusing on our use of Backblaze in Amsterdam for storing these files. Understanding where and how your backups are managed is essential for peace of mind and strategic planning.

What is JetBackup?

JetBackup is an advanced backup solution designed to provide comprehensive and reliable backups of your data. It ensures that your files are securely stored and easily recoverable in the event of data loss or corruption. JetBackup provides SmartHost shared hosting users with the confidence that their data is always within reach, even in the face of unforeseen data loss or corruption.

Comprehensive Data Backup

JetBackup is engineered to capture every essential element of your hosted data. Whether it’s your website’s files, databases, or emails, JetBackup creates a complete snapshot. This approach ensures that no aspect of your hosting, email and database file system is left vulnerable.

Self-Service Backup and Restore

One of JetBackup from SmartHost’s features is the self-service backup on-demand and restore functions. This feature allows SmartHost shared hosting customers to take control of their data protection. With a few clicks, you can initiate backups at your convenience and restore data without needing to wait for technical support. This autonomy significantly enhances your ability to manage data backups and recoveries, providing a layer of flexibility and immediacy to your data protection strategy.

Secure and Reliable

JetBackup’s integration with SmartHost is built on a foundation of security and reliability. Your data is stored securely and protected against unauthorised access. This security is crucial, especially in an era where data breaches and cyber threats are increasingly common.

Easy Recovery

In the event of data loss or the need to revert to a previous version of your files, JetBackup offers a straightforward, user-friendly recovery process. This means minimal downtime and a swift return to business as usual, which is vital for maintaining your online presence and operations.

How Does SmartHost Utilise JetBackup?

Backup Process

SmartHost leverages JetBackup to regularly back up your data. This process involves copying your files to a secure offsite location, ensuring that they are preserved against local data loss scenarios.

Backup Destination: Backblaze in Amsterdam

Your backups are securely stored at Backblaze’s data centre in Amsterdam. Backblaze is a renowned cloud storage provider known for its reliability and global reach.

The backup destination for SmartHost’s data backup solution is Backblaze’s data centre in Amsterdam. This location is chosen for its strategic advantages, including robust infrastructure, high connectivity, and adherence to strict European Union data protection regulations.

The Amsterdam data centre is part of Backblaze’s global network, renowned for its reliability and security. By storing backups in this facility, SmartHost ensures that customers’ data is not only securely stored but also benefits from the advanced technological and security standards that Backblaze’s Amsterdam centre holds.

Why Backblaze?


Backblaze offers exceptional uptime and durability for stored data. This means your backups are available and intact whenever you need them.

Backblaze is renowned for its specialised storage cloud services, which guarantee a high level of reliability with a 99.9% uptime service level agreement (SLA). This impressive uptime ensures that your backups are consistently available and safeguarded against disruptions. Such reliability is crucial for ensuring that your data is accessible whenever you need it, providing peace of mind and stability for your data storage needs. This commitment to performance and reliability is a key aspect of Backblaze’s service offering

Global Accessibility

With a data centre located in Amsterdam, Backblaze provides fast and reliable access to your backups from anywhere in the world.

Compliance with GDPR

Data Protection and Privacy

Backblaze is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Backblaze’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is comprehensive and extends beyond the basic requirements to protect the personal data of EU residents. Backblaze has implemented policies and procedures embedded in the GDPR for all its customers, regardless of their location, emphasising its commitment to data privacy.

The company has adopted several best practices to enhance the security and privacy of user data. These include the use of strong passwords or password managers, protection against unauthorised disclosure of passwords, and the use of unique passwords for different accounts and services. Additionally, Backblaze encourages the use of additional security measures such as two-factor verification, backup codes, or a private encryption key. Understanding and utilising these security features effectively is crucial for users to maximise their data protection.

Under the GDPR, Backblaze customers have specific rights regarding their data. These rights include the ability to access, view, object to, or restrict the processing of personal data, withdraw consent for data processing, and request data portability. Backblaze provides clear guidelines and support for users to exercise these rights, ensuring compliance with the GDPR.

For more detailed information on Backblaze’s GDPR compliance and the specific rights and best practices for users, you can refer to their GDPR Overview and GDPR-related articles.

Secure Data Transfer and Storage

All data transferred to and stored in Backblaze are encrypted, providing an additional layer of security. This encryption safeguards your data against unauthorised access.

Encryption in Transit

When it comes to the security of data being transferred, SmartHost ensures the highest level of protection. All data transferred between your devices and our servers are fully encrypted. This encryption in transit is crucial, as it protects your data from being intercepted while it moves across the internet. The use of secure protocols like SSL/TLS ensures that all data remains confidential and integral during transit.

Encryption at the Destination (Encryption at rest)

Upon reaching its destination at Backblaze’s data centres, your data’s security remains paramount. SmartHost ensures that all stored data is encrypted at the destination. Once your data resides in the Backblaze storage, it remains encrypted, safeguarding it against unauthorised access or breaches. This level of encryption at rest is an essential aspect of our data security protocol, providing an additional layer of defence.

Ensuring Continuous Protection

The combination of encryption both in transit and at rest forms a robust security barrier. This continuous protection ensures that your data is safe from the moment it leaves your device until it is securely stored in Backblaze’s data centres. It’s a critical part of our commitment to maintaining the privacy and security of your data, consistent with industry best practices and compliance standards.

Proactive Security Measures

Beyond encryption, SmartHost employs a range of security measures to further protect your data. Regular security audits, access controls, and monitoring systems are in place to detect and prevent any potential threats. These proactive measures ensure that the integrity and confidentiality of your data are preserved at all times.

Compliance and Standards

Our approach to data encryption and security aligns with global standards and regulations, including GDPR. SmartHost ensures that your data is not only secure but also managed in compliance with the highest standards of data privacy and protection.


The use of JetBackup and Backblaze provides reliable data storage services in Amsterdam and offers SmartHost shared hosting customers a reliable, trusted and robust backup solution. This combination ensures that your data is not only backed up securely but also compliant with GDPR and fully protected.

SmartHost effectively utilises JetBackup and Backblaze to provide a robust backup solution for its users. JetBackup offers comprehensive and reliable data backups, ensuring secure storage and easy recovery of files. These backups are stored at Backblaze’s data centre in Amsterdam, known for its high security, GDPR compliance, and excellent uptime. This combination ensures that SmartHost users enjoy a seamless and secure backup experience, with their data safeguarded against loss or corruption.

For more information or assistance, please contact the SmartHost support team.

FAQ : SmartHost’s JetBackup and Backblaze

What is JetBackup? JetBackup is an advanced backup solution ensuring comprehensive and reliable data backups, available to SmartHost shared hosting users.

Why does SmartHost use Backblaze in Amsterdam for backups? Backblaze in Amsterdam offers secure, GDPR-compliant data storage with high uptime and global accessibility, ensuring data safety and availability.

How does SmartHost ensure data security during transfer and storage? SmartHost encrypts data both in transit and at rest, providing continuous protection against unauthorised access.

What are the benefits of JetBackup for SmartHost users? Users benefit from comprehensive data backups, self-service backup and restore options, and easy data recovery.

Is SmartHost’s backup solution GDPR compliant? Yes, SmartHost’s use of Backblaze ensures GDPR compliance, with enhanced security and privacy measures for user data.

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