Write For Us
At SmartHost, we prioritise exceptional content. Review our guidelines below to learn how you can share your insights and stories with our engaged audience.
Write For Us
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At SmartHost, we prioritise exceptional content. Review our guidelines below to learn how you can share your insights and stories with our engaged audience.
Our Presence
High-quality, relevant content significantly enriches our readers’ experience. We are committed to publishing well-crafted articles that deliver genuine value to our audience. Our dedication to our readers’ interests ensures that every structured post not only attracts visitors but also earns valuable links. We take pride in the tangible benefits our platform has provided to various stakeholders.
How Can You Write For Us
Before submitting your article proposal, please provide a brief outline and your topic ideas for our review. Upon approval of your topic and concept, share the proposed structure of your blog with us. We accept only original, well-written content. We reserve the right to modify or reject any submissions.
NOTE: Please note that articles containing harmful content or content that does not benefit our audience will be rejected.
After your article undergoes a thorough review and any necessary modifications by our expert team to enhance its appeal, we will publish it on our blog. We look forward to receiving your submission and the opportunity to feature your work on our site.
We value content that captivates and engages our readers. Articles that are authentic and informative significantly contribute to our audience’s understanding and knowledge.
Please note: Our blog attracts thousands of clicks and impressions monthly, underscoring the importance of content quality.
We are interested in well-researched, technical articles similar to the trending topics listed below:
Points to Keep in Mind Before Writing
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* SmartHost offers new .ie domain registrations for €2.75 (ex VAT) for the first year when registered through our website. This offer is limited to 10 domains per customer and only applies to the initial billing period. Standard renewal rates of €19.99 (ex VAT) will apply thereafter. This promotion cannot be combined with other offers and may be withdrawn at SmartHost Web Services Limited’s discretion. Note: This offer is exclusive to .ie domains.
* SmartHost offers a special discount for the first billing period on selected plans. This discount is applicable only to the initial billing period, whether monthly or annually. It does not apply to renewals and cannot be combined with other promotions. SmartHost reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
SmartHost: Ireland’s fastest and most reliable hosting service, powered by Amazon AWS and backed by decades of experience and unmatched customer support. Trust SmartHost to power your website or online business, and experience the difference for yourself.
SmartHost Block B, Maynooth Business Campus, Straffan Rd, Maynooth, Co. Kildare W23 W5X7
Web Hosting Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Nationwide