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Fix My WordPress: How to resolve “Incorrect Database Credentials”

In this article, we focus on a frequent challenge for many WordPress users: “Incorrect Database Credentials.” This error can disrupt your site’s functionality, preventing it from connecting to the database where all its data is stored. We will explain what this error means, why it occurs, and how you can fix it.

Each step is laid out with simplicity and clarity to assist even non-technical users in managing their WordPress sites effectively. However, if you find that the solutions provided here do not resolve your issue, SmartHost is ready to step in. Our expert team can take over, diagnose, and fix the problem for you, ensuring that your website experiences minimal downtime and continues to run smoothly.


When managing a WordPress website, encountering an “Incorrect Database Credentials” error, also known as an ‘error establishing a database connection’, can be confusing and frustrating. This error typically indicates that your WordPress site is unable to establish a connection to the database due to incorrect or outdated database credentials in your wp-config.php file.

What Does “Incorrect Database Credentials” Mean for Database Connection Error?

Database credentials are essential for connecting your WordPress site to its database, where all your site’s content and settings are stored. These credentials include the database name, username, password, and host information. An “Incorrect Database Credentials” error occurs when any of these elements are wrong, missing, or altered.

Reasons for Incorrect Database Credentials on Your WordPress Site

  1. Changes in Database Information: If you’ve recently changed your database password or username through your hosting account, it’s crucial to update your wp-config.php file accordingly. This ensures that your site has the correct database login credentials, such as the database name, username, password, and server details, which are essential for a successful connection to the MySQL database.
  2. Migration of Servers: Moving your site to a new server can often lead to this error if the database credentials on the new server differ from those on your old server. Ensuring that the wp-config.php file contains the correct database login credentials after a server migration is vital to prevent database connection errors.
  3. Editing Errors: Mistakenly editing or deleting information within the wp-config.php file can disrupt your database connection. This is a common cause of the ‘Error Establishing a Database Connection’ in WordPress, which can arise from incorrect database credentials.
  4. Corruption: On rare occasions, the wp-config.php file itself may become corrupted due to hacking attempts, incorrect file handling, or other issues, leading to a database connection error.

Take a Backup Before Resolving Database Issues

Before attempting any fixes related to database issues, including the “Incorrect Database Credentials” error, it is crucial to ensure you have a current backup of your website. This step is essential to safeguard your data and ensure that you can restore your site to its previous state if necessary.

Why Take a Backup?

Making changes to your website’s database or wp-config.php file can have significant effects. A backup provides a safety net, allowing you to revert to the original state if the changes do not go as planned or if they inadvertently cause additional issues.

How to Take a Backup Using Your Control Panel

If your database is not functioning correctly, the safest way to back up your website is through your hosting control panel, which typically provides tools to back up your entire website, including database and website files. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log in to Your Hosting Account: Access your cPanel hosting dashboard provided by SmartHost.
  2. Navigate to the Backup Section: Find the jetbackup section in your control panel.
  3. Create a Backup On Demand: Select the option to create a backup on demand. This type of backup will include all your website files, databases, configuration files, and email accounts.

Solutions to Resolve Incorrect Database Credentials

  1. Verify Credentials: Check your wp-config.php file to ensure that the database name, username, password, and host are correct. You can find the correct details in your hosting dashboard under the database section. Additionally, verify the database user credentials and ensure the database user has sufficient permissions. This step is crucial for establishing a successful database connection.
  2. Update wp-config.php File: If any credentials have changed, update them in your wp-config.php file. This file is accessible via the File Manager in your hosting account or through an FTP client. Consider creating a new PHP file to test the database connection as part of troubleshooting.
  3. Check for Corruption: Ensure your wp-config.php file isn’t corrupted. If uncertain, you might consider restoring a previous version of the file if you have a backup available. It’s also advisable to check WordPress core files for corruption and ensure your WordPress installation is up-to-date to prevent connection issues.
  4. Database Maintenance: Use tools like phpMyAdmin to check and repair database tables, optimising the MySQL database for your WordPress site. Before making any changes, back up the MySQL database to prevent data loss. Access MySQL databases through cPanel to verify and repair database credentials as needed.
  5. Contact SmartHost: If you’re unsure about modifying the wp-config.php file, creating a new PHP file, or if the above steps don’t resolve the issue, SmartHost’s support team is ready to assist. We can perform a comprehensive assessment and fix your WordPress website with minimal downtime, ensuring your site runs smoothly and securely.

SmartHost not only helps in resolving errors but also offers tailored solutions to prevent future occurrences. This approach minimises the risk of database connection issues, helping you maintain a reliable and efficient online presence.

Need Expert Help?

If you’re experiencing the “Incorrect Database Credentials” error or other WordPress issues, don’t hesitate to contact SmartHost. Our experienced team can quickly diagnose and resolve such issues, restoring functionality to your site and preventing future problems. Visit us at SmartHost or open a support ticket through your hosting dashboard for a swift resolution.

Trust SmartHost for all your WordPress needs, from routine maintenance to critical error fixes. Let us help you keep your WordPress website running optimally with expert care and support.

FAQs About “Incorrect WordPress Database Credentials”

What are database credentials?

Database credentials include the database name, username, password, and host information. These are essential for your WordPress site to connect to its database, which stores all the content and settings.

Why do I see an “Incorrect Database Credentials” error?

This error typically appears when the database credentials in your wp-config.php file do not match those required by your database server. This mismatch can occur due to recent changes in your database settings, errors in file editing, or migration to a new server.

How do I find my correct database credentials?

You can find your correct database credentials in your hosting account. Navigate to the databases section of your hosting dashboard, where you’ll find details like the database name, username, and password that you need to connect your WordPress site.

Can I fix this error myself?

Yes, if you’re comfortable editing the wp-config.php file. This file can be accessed via the File Manager in your hosting account or via FTP. Ensure you have the correct database credentials handy and update them in the file accordingly. Always back up the file before making changes.

What should I do if I can’t resolve the error?

If you’re unable to resolve the error yourself, SmartHost is here to help. Contact our support team for a comprehensive assessment and tailored solutions. We specialise in quickly diagnosing and fixing WordPress issues with minimal impact on your site’s operation.

How can I prevent “Incorrect Database Credentials” errors in the future?

Regularly check and ensure that the database credentials in your wp-config.php file match those provided by your web host. Avoid unnecessary changes to the database settings unless required. SmartHost also offers WordPress care plans that include regular checks and maintenance to prevent such issues.

What is the impact of an “Incorrect Database Credentials” error on my site?

This error prevents your WordPress site from connecting to its database, which means your site will not load until the issue is resolved. It’s crucial to address this promptly to ensure your site remains accessible to users.

How does SmartHost assist with WordPress database issues?

SmartHost provides expert WordPress maintenance and repair services. Our team can handle everything from database connection issues to comprehensive WordPress optimisations, ensuring your site remains secure, fast, and reliable.

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