How To: Connect Your Domain To Shopify
Connecting your domain to Shopify Connecting your domain to Shopify, using the SmartHost Customer Portal is simple and ...
FAQ: How to transfer the domain(s) I own to SmartHost
How to transfer a domain to SmartHost Transferring the domain(s) you own to SmartHost is incredibly easy. Before ...
How to create a professional email address using the SmartHost Customer Portal
Create a professional email address Having a professional email address is essential in today’s digital world. It not only ...
How to: Register a .IE domain with SmartHost
Register a .IE domain with SmartHost .IE domains have come a long way in recent times. The popularity of ...
.IE Pricing Reduction
SmartHost aims to make getting online simple, accessible, and affordable. As part of that mission, we are reducing the price ...
Should I buy a .ie or .com domain extension?
First off, let's explain what a domain name is? Simply put, a domain name is a name someone types into ...