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  5. How to Use the IP Blocker in cPanel: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Use the IP Blocker in cPanel: A Comprehensive Guide

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Quick Start Guide

Introduction to the IP Blocker in cPanel

The IP Blocker in cPanel allows users to prevent specific IP addresses or ranges from accessing their website. This security feature is crucial for blocking potential threats, such as unwanted visitors or harmful bots. SmartHost provides this tool to enhance the security of your website hosted on our platform.

Managing the IP Blocker Section

Accessing IP Blocker

  • Log in to your cPanel account on SmartHost.
  • Navigate to the “Security” section and click on “IP Blocker”.
A screenshot of a screen with a green circle highlighted.

Adding an IP Address or Range to Block

  • In the IP Blocker interface, enter the IP address or range you wish to block in the provided field.
  • Click “Add” to implement the block.
Add an ip range.

Confirming the Block

  • Once added, the system will confirm that the IP address or range has been blocked.
  • You can view the list of currently blocked addresses and ranges in the same section.

Removing an IP Block

  • If you wish to unblock an IP address, locate it in the list of blocked addresses.
  • Click the “Delete” option next to the relevant IP address or range to remove the block.

In-depth Guide

Understanding the IP Blocker Function

The IP Blocker in cPanel is a powerful tool provided by SmartHost to enhance the security of your website. It works by preventing specified IP addresses or ranges from accessing your site, effectively blocking potential threats.

How to Identify an IP Address to Block

Identifying which IP addresses to block often involves monitoring your site’s traffic for unusual patterns or identifying sources of malicious activity. You might also want to block IPs that repeatedly attempt to guess passwords or exploit vulnerabilities.

Adding an IP Address or Range

When entering an IP address to block, you can specify a single IP (e.g.,, a range using a wildcard (e.g., 192.168.1.*), or a subnet (e.g., This flexibility allows you to tailor the block to your specific needs.

Impact of Blocking an IP Address

Blocking an IP address prevents any user from that address from accessing your site. It’s an effective way to stop harmful bots and attackers in their tracks. However, be cautious when blocking IP ranges to avoid unintentionally restricting legitimate users.

Further Information

For more detailed instructions and guidance on using the IP Blocker function in cPanel, please visit the official cPanel documentation: cPanel IP Blocker Documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will blocking an IP address affect my website’s SEO?

Blocking an IP address directly targets the unwanted visitor or bot from that specific IP and does not impact your website’s SEO performance.

Can I block country-specific IPs?

While cPanel’s IP Blocker does not directly support country-specific blocks, you can use third-party services to identify IP ranges associated with specific countries and then block those ranges using the IP Blocker.

How can I unblock an IP address?

To unblock an IP address, simply navigate to the IP Blocker section in cPanel, find the address or range you wish to unblock, and click the “Delete” option.

Is there a limit to the number of IP addresses I can block?

Smarthost does not impose a strict limit on the number of IP addresses you can block. However, managing a very large list can become cumbersome, and excessive blocking may impact server performance.

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