SmartHost Customer Portal – Account Security

Quick Start Guide

Understanding the Account Security Section

The Account Security section in the SmartHost Customer Portal allows users to manage their Single Sign-On (SSO) settings. This feature provides a streamlined and secure method for accessing various services without repeatedly entering login credentials. It’s designed for both ease of use and enhanced security.

Steps to Manage Single Sign-On Settings

  1. Accessing the Account Security Section: Log in to the SmartHost Customer Portal. Navigate to the ‘Account Security’ section under your profile name.
  1. Enabling Single Sign-On: Locate the Single Sign-On (SSO) option. Click on the toggle button to enable SSO. This allows you to access all SmartHost-managed services with one set of credentials.
  2. Disabling Single Sign-On: If you wish to turn off SSO for added security or personal preference, simply click the toggle button again. This action will require separate logins for different services.
  3. Saving Your Preferences: After adjusting your SSO settings, make sure to save your changes. This ensures that your preferences are updated immediately.

In-depth Guide

Detailed Overview of Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On is an advanced feature that offers a convenient and secure way to access multiple services with a single set of login credentials. When activated, it eliminates the need for multiple usernames and passwords, reducing the hassle of remembering different credentials and streamlining the login process.

Benefits of Using Single Sign-On

  • Ease of Access: SSO simplifies the process of accessing various services under SmartHost. With just one login, you gain access to all linked services – for example, you can log in to your cPanel account without having to re-enter your login details.
  • Enhanced Security: By reducing the number of login credentials, SSO minimises the risk of password-related security breaches. It also allows for centralised control of access rights.
  • Time Efficiency: SSO saves time by eliminating the need to enter login details for each service separately.Considerations for Enabling or Disabling Single Sign-On (SSO)

Considerations for Enabling or Disabling Single Sign-On

Deciding whether to enable or disable Single Sign-On (SSO) in the SmartHost Customer Portal depends on individual needs and circumstances. Enabling SSO offers a seamless experience, allowing you to access multiple services with a single login, which is highly efficient for regular users managing their own accounts.

However, in situations where you need to grant temporary access to another user, such as a consultant or a team member, disabling SSO would be advisable. By turning off SSO, you ensure that this temporary access is restricted to a specific service, thereby safeguarding your other linked services from unauthorised access. This selective access control is useful for maintaining security and privacy, especially in a business environment where access to different services needs to be carefully managed and monitored.

How to Enable and Disable SSO

Enabling SSO is straightforward. After logging into the SmartHost Customer Portal, you’ll find the option to activate SSO in the Account Security section. A simple toggle enables or disables this feature. When enabled, it allows seamless access to all SmartHost integrated services. Disabling SSO will revert to the standard login process for each service.

Security Considerations

While SSO offers convenience, it’s essential to maintain strong, unique passwords and regularly update them. In the event of a password breach, all services accessed via SSO could be compromised. Therefore, regular password changes and the use of two-factor authentication (where available) are highly recommended.


The Single Sign-On feature in the SmartHost Customer Portal is a tool for managing access to multiple services efficiently and securely. By understanding and utilising this feature, SmartHost users can enjoy a streamlined, secure, and user-friendly experience.

Frequently Asked Questions on Account Security

What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a feature that allows users to access multiple services or applications with a single set of login credentials. This eliminates the need for multiple usernames and passwords, simplifying the login process for various services provided by SmartHost.

How do I enable SSO in my SmartHost Customer Portal?

To enable SSO, log in to your SmartHost Customer Portal, navigate to the ‘Account Security’ section, and find the SSO option. You can enable it by toggling the switch. This will activate SSO for all your SmartHost integrated services associated with your account (for example, your cPanel account)

Can I disable SSO if I change my mind?

Yes, you can disable SSO at any time. Simply go back to the ‘Account Security’ section in the portal and toggle the SSO option off. This will require you to use separate login credentials for each service moving forward.

Is SSO secure?

SSO is designed to be secure, reducing the number of passwords you need to remember and potentially decreasing the risk of password-related security breaches. However, it is essential to use a strong, unique password for your SSO login and consider additional security measures like two-factor authentication.

Why would I disable SSO?

You might choose to disable SSO to restrict access when giving temporary account access to another user. Disabling SSO ensures that the temporary user can only access specific services, rather than all services linked to your account, thereby enhancing security and privacy.

What happens to my other services if I change my SSO password?

If you change your SSO password, it will be updated for all services accessed through SSO. You will need to use the new password the next time you log in to any of these services.

Can I use SSO with all SmartHost services?

SSO is available for most services integrated in your SmartHost Customer Portal. However, some services or applications may not support SSO, in which case, separate login credentials will be required.

What should I do if I encounter issues with SSO?

If you face any difficulties or errors with SSO, contact SmartHost’s support team for assistance. It’s important to report any issues promptly to ensure your account’s security and functionality.

Will disabling SSO affect my current sessions in other services?

Disabling SSO will not immediately log you out of active sessions in other services. However, once you log out, you will need to log in again using individual service credentials.

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