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Guide to the Errors Function in cPanel Metrics

To access the Errors function in cPanel, this article assumes you are already logged in to cPanel. Click Here for details on how to log in to cPanel, follow this guide.

Overview of the Errors Function

The Errors function in cPanel Metrics serves as a crucial tool for website administrators. It provides a detailed log of the last 300 errors encountered by your website. This log is instrumental in identifying and addressing issues, ensuring your site’s smooth operation. By monitoring these error messages, you can quickly pinpoint and resolve problems, enhancing your website’s performance and user experience.

Steps to Access and Utilise the “Errors” Feature

  1. Log In to cPanel: Begin by signing into your cPanel account. Enter your credentials on the login page to access the cPanel dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Metrics Section: Locate the “Metrics” section on your cPanel dashboard. This section contains tools that provide insights into your website’s performance and visitor statistics.
A screenshot of the azure portal with a few icons highlighted.
  1. Open the “Errors” Interface: Within the Metrics section, find and click on the “Errors” icon. This action will open the interface displaying the last 300 error messages your site has encountered.
  2. Review Error Logs: Examine the error messages listed. Each entry includes the date, time, and a brief description of the error. This information is pivotal in understanding the nature and source of the issues your website is facing.
  3. Address Identified Issues: Use the insights gained from the error logs to address and rectify the problems on your website. This may involve correcting code, updating plugins, or contacting technical support for further assistance.

Further Reading about the Errors Function in cPanel Metrics

The “Errors” function in cPanel’s Metrics section is a sophisticated tool designed to aid website administrators in maintaining optimal site performance. This comprehensive guide provides detailed insights into each aspect of the “Errors” feature, ensuring you can effectively utilise this tool to enhance your website’s functionality.

Understanding the Error Logs

The error logs present in this section are a chronological record of the last 300 errors that your website encountered. Each entry in the log includes the date, the exact time the error occurred, and a description of the error. These descriptions typically indicate what the issue is, and sometimes, where it lies. For instance, you might encounter a “404 Not Found” error indicating a missing page or a “500 Internal Server Error” suggesting a problem with the server or the website’s code.

Analysing Common Error Codes

404 Not Found

This error occurs when a visitor attempts to access a page on your website that doesn’t exist. Often, this is due to a mistyped URL or a removed page. Regular monitoring of 404 errors can help you identify broken links on your site and rectify them promptly.

500 Internal Server Error

A 500 error signifies issues with the website’s server. This could stem from a scripting problem, a corrupted .htaccess file, or server permission issues. Identifying this error early allows for timely intervention, reducing website downtime.

Utilising Error Logs for Website Improvement

By regularly reviewing your error logs, you can gain valuable insights into recurring issues that may be affecting your website’s performance. For example, frequent “403 Forbidden” errors could indicate permission settings that need adjustment. Similarly, recurring “500 Internal Server Error” messages may necessitate a review of your website’s scripts or plugins.


The Errors function in cPanel’s Metrics section is an invaluable resource for website administrators. It provides an overview of the health and performance of your website, allowing you to proactively address issues. By understanding how to access, interpret, and act on the information in these logs, you can ensure your website operates smoothly, providing an optimal experience for your visitors.

Employ this guide to navigate the Errors feature effectively, ensuring your website remains robust and efficient. For further assistance or specific queries, consider reaching out to our technical support team.

What is the Errors function in cPanel?

The Errors function in cPanel’s Metrics section provides a log of the last 300 error messages encountered by your website. This tool is essential for identifying and resolving issues and ensuring smooth website operation.

Why is monitoring errors important for my website?

Monitoring errors is crucial as it helps in identifying issues that could affect your website’s functionality, user experience, and search engine ranking. Timely resolution of these errors ensures your website remains accessible and efficient.

How do I access the “Errors” function in cPanel?

Log in to your cPanel account, navigate to the “Metrics” section, and click on the “Errors” icon. This action will open the interface displaying the last 300 error messages.

What information is included in each error log entry?

A “404 Not Found” error occurs when a visitor tries to access a page that doesn’t exist on your website. Fixing this usually involves checking for mistyped URLs, updating broken links, or creating a redirect for the removed page.

What does a “500 Internal Server Error” indicate?

A “500 Internal Server Error” indicates a problem with the server or the website’s code. It can be due to issues like a scripting error, a corrupted .htaccess file, or server permission problems. Resolving this may require reviewing and correcting your website’s code or configurations.

How often should I check the error logs in cPanel?

Regular monitoring is recommended. Ideally, check your error logs weekly or immediately after making significant changes to your website, such as updates or new implementations.

What should I do if I can’t understand or resolve an error?

If an error is unclear or beyond your technical ability to resolve, it’s advisable to consult with a web developer or reach out to the SmartHost technical support team for professional assistance.

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