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Understanding Analog Stats function in cPanel

To access the Analog Stats function in cPanel, this article assumes you are already logged in to cPanel. Click Here for details on how to log in to cPanel, follow this guide.

Quick Start Guide to Analog Stats

Introduction to Analog Stats

Analog Stats is a robust feature within the cPanel interface that provides users with comprehensive web statistics. This tool allows you to monitor website activity effectively, helping you understand traffic patterns, visitor behaviour, and overall website performance. SmartHost prioritises delivering clear and actionable data to its users, and Analog Stats plays a pivotal role in achieving this objective.

Managing Analog Stats

To access and manage Analog Stats in your cPanel, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to cPanel: Access your cPanel account by entering your username and password on the SmartHost login page.
A screenshot of a screen with a green circle highlighted.
  1. Locate the Metrics Section: Navigate to the ‘Metrics’ section on the cPanel dashboard to find the ‘Analog Stats’ option.
  2. Select a Domain: Choose the domain or subdomain for which you wish to view statistics.
Select a domain in wordpress.
  1. Analyse the Data: After selecting a domain, cPanel will display the Analog Stats report. Review the data to gain insights into your website’s traffic and user behaviour.

Understanding the Interface

The Analog Stats interface presents data in a straightforward, easily digestible format. It categorises information into various sections, including summary, monthly statistics, daily statistics, and hourly statistics. This categorisation allows website owners to pinpoint specific periods of interest and analyse trends over time.

Web server statistics for sysadmin.

Analysing Traffic Sources and Visitor Behaviour

One of the key benefits of Analog Stats is its ability to track where your visitors come from, what pages they visit, how long they stay, and what actions they take on your site. For instance, if you notice a surge in traffic from a particular referral source, you can capitalise on this by strengthening your presence in that area.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

The comprehensive data provided by Analog Stats aids in making informed decisions. For example, by understanding the peak hours of website activity, you can schedule your content updates or product launches accordingly to maximise impact and engagement.

Understanding Your Website’s Performance with Analog Stats in cPanel

General Summary

The General Summary offers a comprehensive overview of your selected domain’s activity over the specified month. This section presents an aggregate view, setting the stage for a more detailed analysis that follows.

Monthly Report

The Monthly Report provides a graphical and tabular representation of the number of page requests each month. This data is useful for observing trends, understanding visitor engagement, and assessing the overall popularity of your website over time.

Hourly Summary

In the Hourly Summary, you’ll find a detailed account of page requests distributed across different hours of the day, starting from midnight. This data helps to pinpoint peak activity periods, enabling you to plan website updates or maintenance during off-peak hours to enhance the user experience.

Daily Summary

The Daily Summary section displays a breakdown of page requests accumulated over specific days. This information is useful for identifying the most active days on your website, guiding you in scheduling content updates or conducting maintenance to align with visitor patterns.

Analog Stats Additional Sections

Report TypeDescription
Domain ReportQuantifies the domains initiating requests on your site, highlighting that most individual users appear via unresolved numerical addresses.
Organisation ReportIdentifies the organisations or ISPs related to the traffic accessing your website, providing insight into the source of your visitors.
Redirected Referrer ReportDetails the web pages and the number of successful redirections within your site, aiding in assessing the navigational flow and link effectiveness.
Failed Referrer ReportHighlights the web pages and the number of unsuccessful redirection attempts, pinpointing areas that may require navigational improvement.
Referring Site ReportLists external URLs driving the most traffic to your site, including direct referrals, used for evaluating the impact of referral or affiliate links and assessing SEO efforts.
Browser ReportSpecifies the browsers most utilised for accessing your site, along with versions and plugins, essential for ensuring compatibility and optimal website performance across various browsing platforms.
Browser SummaryProvides a consolidated view of the major browsers used to visit your site, grouping all versions under each browser category for a simplified analysis.
Operating System ReportDetails the operating systems as reported by the browsers, used for tailoring your website’s design and functionality to suit various user environments.
Status Code ReportCategorises the status of file and page requests, highlighting codes like 200 (OK), 301 (redirected), and 404 (not found), essential for website maintenance and user experience enhancement. A full list of HTTP Codes and solutions can be reviewed in the cPanel documentation if needed.
File Size ReportDetails the size of files requested by visitors, noting that larger files may slow down page loading times, used for optimising website performance.
File Type ReportSpecifies the types of files requested by visitors, with an example showing a majority being .PNG image files, guiding content optimisation and delivery.
Directory ReportHighlights the most frequently requested directories, with an example indicating the /img/ directory as most prevalent, useful for understanding user interaction and content organisation.
Request ReportIndicates the most commonly requested pages, files, or directories, with examples illustrating specific requests, required for understanding user engagement and popular content on your site.

For further detailed information and advanced functionalities of Analog Stats, visit the official cPanel documentation.

FAQ about the Analog Stats function in cPanel

Is Analog Stats suitable for all websites?

Yes, Analog Stats is versatile and provides valuable insights for all types of websites, whether it’s a personal blog, a corporate website, or an e-commerce platform.

How often is the data in Analog Stats updated?

Yes, Analog Stats allows you to export data so you can perform additional analysis or keep records for your business strategies.

How does SmartHost ensure the security of my data within Analog Stats?

SmartHost prioritises data security. We implement stringent security measures to ensure that your website’s data is protected and confidential.

Can I export the data from Analog Stats for further analysis?

Yes, Analog Stats allows you to export data so you can perform additional analysis or keep records for your business strategies.

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